United Methodist Church of Livonia, NY
The Place of Scripture in Our Life
on October 8th, 2021
I have been thinking about Scripture and its place in our faith and our lives. While preparing this week I was reminded of 6 scriptures a mentor told me should always be before us.  Read More
Sunday School - Why It Is So Important
on October 2nd, 2021
I know life can be hectic, and it can be a struggle just to make it to the worship service, let alone think about getting your children to Sunday school. However, it’s great to have the support of the church as you teach your children about . . .   Read More
Preparing to Leave
on September 29th, 2021
Recently we packed up and prepared for a 2 month journey. We know where we are going (kind of) and we know about when we are returning. We learned that it takes time prepare to be gone for 2 months. First there is . . . . So this causes some thoughts about Sarai and Abram. They did not know where . . .   Read More
God has a Name for You
on September 24th, 2021
God is the only being whose speech cannot be separated from his acts. . . When God renamed Jacob, he stripped him of what was holding him back so he could move forward into God’s purposes. . . . n place of the damaging names you have carried, the Holy Spirit, as in the ancient days, wants to . . .   Read More
Not Us
on September 8th, 2021
We will not save the church. Whether it is the questions facing the local church or issues facing the general Church…our answers, our decisions, will not save the church. Sometimes we think . . . .   Read More
The Great Commission
on September 5th, 2021
If I were to ask you what the Great Commission is, what would you say?... The latest data from the Barna Group tells us that only 17% of church attenders in the US have heard of it, and know what it means, while 25% have heard of it, but can’t recall its meaning.   Read More



