Community Easter Egg Hunt
All community children invited.
Children age 2 - Grade 5
See last year's Easter Egg Hunt
All community children invited.
Children age 2 - Grade 5
See last year's Easter Egg Hunt
Children Age 4 - Grade 5 Invited to Sunday School
Every Sunday 9 - 10 AM
Learning, Growing, Giving, and Having Fun
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Our children are very important to us. United Methodist Church of Livonia has great programs for kids. We utilize music and creative lessons that teach Christian values and God’s love. In a safe and comfortable place where they feel welcome and loved, children have the opportunity to get connected, get involved, and to deepen their faith in Christ.
Programs for Age 4 - Grade 5 plus Nursery
What Happens Sunday Morning
9:00 AM
Pray-Ground - During Church All Year
- Pre-K - Grade 5 - students join us in church for praise and the opening. After the Children's Moment, approximately 9:15, the children will be dismissed to Sunday School.
- Activity bags are available as you enter the sanctuary with many items to occupy the younger children.
- Nursery care is provided for children ages birth - preschool.
Pray-Ground - During Church All Year
- All K - 3rd Graders welcome.
- Space in the back of the sanctuary is reserved with hands-on activities, such as coloring and activity sheets and quite activities to occupy the children during the service before dismissal after the Children's Moment.
- There is a variety of seating options. Parents should remain nearby, but freed up to enjoy the service. The children will have plenty to occupy their interest.

Hands-on Activities - Available Every Sunday
Table back left in sanctuary - Kids up through Grade 3
Table back left in sanctuary - Kids up through Grade 3
9 - 10 AM: Sunday School begins after the Children's Moment
Sunday School is a place where children grow in their knowledge of the Bible and faith in Jesus.

The Details:
The Schedule:
The Curriculum:
- All students Pre-K - Grade 5
The Schedule:
- Students and families are encouraged to join us in-person for the service at 9 AM.
- At 9:15 AM after the Children's Moment, students will be dismissed to go to Sunday School.
The Curriculum:
- Curriculum is age appropriate with a Bible story and activities. Sign up below to receive updates and emails.
About UMCL Sunday School
Bible Centered
We utilize age appropriate, creative lessons and music that teach Christian values and God's love.
Teachers and Staff
Our teachers and staff love the Lord and love sharing Jesus with children. Teachers and staff are required to take Safe Sanctuary Training, are certified every two years, and undergo background checks.
The children enjoy activities and crafts that reinforce the Bible lessons.
A Place to Get Connected
A safe and comfortable place where the children feel loved and have the opportunity to get connected, get involved, and deepen their faith in Christ.
New to UMCL? Let us know your are coming by completing the Sunday School Registration form below.
Winter VBS Highlights
February 19, 2025
- Tumbleweed Town - Western theme, Bible stories, activities, crafts, finding "gold," and learning the "Golden Rule."
- 41 children attended
Winter Vacation Bible School February 19
2024 Easter Egg Hunt
Over 100 children enjoyed the annual UMCL Easter Egg Hunt, Crafts and Snacks, March 30