Bible Study Resources
Below is a list of Bible study resource links, suggested version of the Bible, and a link to a blog to stimulate your thinking.
Growing As A Disciple
Do you wish to grow in your love of God and of neighbor? Find out where you are in your faith journey and find suggestions on what you can do to grow in your faith and discipleship journey.
Group Bible Studies
What do group studies do and how can I get connected? Meet and fellowship with others in a group study while building your Bible knowledge and faith.
Sermon Series Messages
Faith builds in steps. Knowledge of scripture also builds in steps. Sermon series, a Bible book or topical series, are great ways to grow your knowledge of the Bible.
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Recommended Resources
The following list of links to Bible study resources and online resources are provided to encourage your spiritual growth. Some links even have the option of an app that can be downloaded to your phone or tablet.
Looking for something more specific or a particular type of study?
Looking for something more specific or a particular type of study?
Online Bible Study Resources
- Bible Gateway - Excellent on-line Bible with study helps.
- Bible Study Tools - Commentaries, Bible studies, videos, verse of the day, and much more.
- Back To The Bible - One year Bible reading plan
Recommended Bible: CEB (Common English Bible ) Study Bible. It is easy to understand and very readable. In addition, it is filled with many aids to deepen your study of the Bible.
Online Devotionals and studies:
- The Upper Room - daily devotionals
- New Every Morning - daily reflections from Upper Room books
- You Version - the Bible app, read the Bible, sign up for a Bible study plan, verse of the day, videos, and more

Group Studies
Group studies are a great way to grow your faith. Consider joining a weekly or semi-weekly small group that offers Bible study, fellowship, worship, service and outreach.
Growing As A Disciple
A Disciple is one who KNOWS Christ, is GROWING in Christ, SERVING Christ, and SHARING Christ.
No matter where you are on your journey with Christ, there are things you can do to grow as a disciple.
Print the chart and mark where you think you fall in each of the four areas. What you see may suggest what you can do to grow in your discipleship.
Print the chart and mark where you think you fall in each of the four areas. What you see may suggest what you can do to grow in your discipleship.

Where Are You In Your Faith Journey?
- Exploring - You believe in God but are not sure about Jesus. Faith is not a significant part of your life.
- Growing - You believe in Jesus and are working on what it means to follow Him
- Close - You feel really close to Christ and depend on him daily for guidance
- Christ Centered - God is all you need in your life. He is enough. Everything you do is a reflection of Christ.
Steps To Take
Do you wish to grow in your love of God and of neighbor? Find where your are, then challenge yourself. It might be to come to worship weekly, or get involved in one of our community outreach opportunities, or to join one of our UMCL ministry teams. It is up to you, but we are here to help. We would love to equip you to grow in your walk with Christ.
And, of course, you can always speak with the Pastor Sung Ho. Call the church office at 585-346-3511 or complete the form below.
And, of course, you can always speak with the Pastor Sung Ho. Call the church office at 585-346-3511 or complete the form below.
UMCL App - Connect with the UMCL Community
Download the UMCL app for the latest news, notifications, links to live stream services, to give to UMCL and more. Available free for Apple and Android devices.

Recent Church Services
Worship - "New Tendons for Dry Bones"
Mar 23, 2025 • Pastor Sung Ho Lee
Worship - "Bringing the Good News"
Mar 16, 2025 • Suzanne Block
Worship - "I Was Blind, But Now I See"
Mar 9, 2025 • Pastor Sung Ho Lee
Worship - "Peter's Glory and Jesus' Glory"
Mar 2, 2025 • Pastor Sung Ho Lee
Worship - "The Church of Service"
Feb 23, 2025 • Pastor Sung Ho Lee
Worship - "The Church of Celebration"
Feb 16, 2025 • Pastor Sung Ho Lee
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