United Methodist Church of Livonia, NY

UMCL Photo Gallery

Tumbleweed Town VBS - February 2025

One-day, Fun-day VBS for children age 4 - grade 5.  Western theme with Bible stories, crafts, activities, lots of singing, and even lunch.
41 children had a ton of "Western" fun, and many teens and adults volunteered as teachers, helpers, kitchen cooks, registration, and much more. 

Progressive Dinner - February 2025

Everyone love to fellowship and eat!  The annual Progressive Dinner is an event filled with fun, food and fellowship.  Beginning at the church for an amazing spread of appetizers, folks are scattered to different homes for a selection of salad and sides, then off to another home for delicious soups.  Finally, everyone gathers back at church to round out the afternoon with a wide selection of desserts.

Christmas Cantata and Brunch - 2024

"Night of Miracles" by John W. Peterson, directed by Bunny Gibson.
After church everyone enjoyed the Christmas Brunch with ham, cheesy potatoes, fruits and other delicious foods.

Turkey Dinner - October 2024

Church volunteers donated supplies, spent days preparing food for cooking, baking pies and cookies, cooking, and finally serving up a delicious turkey dinner on October 5th to over 550 hungry people.   The whole church was involved in one way or another and even the children pitched in to help.  Lots of work?  Yes.  But everyone has a lot of fun doing it.  How long has UMCL put on a turkey dinner?  Not sure exactly, but decades!

Rally Sunday - Blessing Backpacks

September 2024
There is no better way to begin a school year than with a blessing.  Children gathered for a special Children's Moment and blessing for a good and safe school year.

Vacation Bible School - July 2024

Fifty children enjoyed a week of fun as they explored learning more about the light of the world, Jesus.

Easter Egg Hunt - March 30

March 30th, over 100 children showed up on a bright, sunny Saturday to have fun "hunting" the eggs, creating cards and decorations, and enjoying hot chocolate and fish crackers in the Fellowship Hall.
Youth Group helped get everything set up scattering eggs across the lawn, placing signs, and preparing for the children to arrive.
The Egg Hunt took about 3 minutes with every egg found!