For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Mark 10:45
The folks at UMCL have a big heart and love reaching out in many ways locally into the community, and globally into the world. There are many opportunities to get involved at UMCL, meet people, and serve others.
Opportunities to Serve and Volunteer FAQ
How do I volunteer?
Let us know that you would like to volunteer to help by contacting Pastor Hoyt or by submitting the form below. Someone will contact you with more details.
How do I volunteer with kids?
There is always a need for extra help in our kids ministry from Vacation Bible School to Sunday School, youth group, and special events. If you love children and youth and would like to serve in our kids ministry, please submit the form below. Someone will contact you.
How do I volunteer with music?
UMCL has both a praise band and a choir. If you have a musical bent, let us know by completing the form below and someone from the music ministry team will contact you.
What other volunteer opportunities are there?
Many things are done by volunteers at UMCL from helping prepare and serve Rotary dinners, to welcoming people on Sunday morning, to helping live stream Sunday service. Let us know what your interests are and where you would like to help. Volunteering is a great way to meet others and form lasting friendships.
Opportunities to Serve and Volunteer
Music Ministry
Thrift Shoppe Volounteer

Children & Youth Ministry

Spaghetti Dinner

Tech Team

Hospitality & Welcome
What else is going on at UMCL?
Tech Team
These are the wonderful people who make our Sunday morning service possible. These folks run the sound board, take care of our AV, provide special lighting, and live stream the service. In addition, this ministry maintains our webpage, YouTube channel, Facebook, Instagram, and our APP. If you enjoy "techie" stuff, the team could use you. Not techie but interested? We will train you.
Trustees Ministry
This ministry is responsible for the care of our 3 church properties, the Thrift Shoppe, the Parsonage, and the Church Building. We do much of the routine maintenance ourselves and contract out when we must. Several work days are scheduled throughout the year. Help is always needed to lovingly care for our church property.
Fellowship Ministry
The people in this ministry provide opportunities for church goers to get to know each other, socialize, and they provide love and support through programs like “Friends in Faith.” Some events include Lemonade on the Lawn, weekly after church fellowship, and the Progressive Dinner. Have the gift of hospitality? Join us.
Finance Ministry
This ministry is has diverse responsibilities ranging from fundraising, counting the offering, to creating the financial plan for the coming year. Day to day financial operations are handled by our Office Manager.
Worship Ministry
Working closely with the pastor and music ministry, the Worship ministry ensures that our Sunday worship is meaningful and offers praise to God. This ministry also plans special worship services. Volunteers are needed for weekly lay readers, ushers and greeters.
Children and Youth Ministry
Working closely with the Coordinators for Youth ministry these persons help to plan and teach Sunday school, provide nursery care, and work with our Jr. - Sr. High Youth Group. In addition we host Vacation Bible School. Adult volunteers are welcome and will be trained.
Spaghetti Dinner
UMCL holds a Spaghetti Dinner on the second Wednesday of the month for the community. There are opportunities to participate such as, cooking, clean up and serving. The dinner is currently drive through and by donation.
Special Events Ministry
We are always looking for people with the gift of hospitality, planning and organization to help with special events like the Trunk or Treat and the Easter Egg Hunt.
Mothers of Preschoolers MOPS
MOPS International encourages and equips moms of young children to realize their potential as mothers, women and leaders, in relationship with Jesus, and in partnership with the local church. If you are interested in starting a MOPS group, let us know.
Serve at UMCL
Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.
Each person has unique gifts and abilities which can be used to serve others and at the same time serve the Lord. Use your gifts and meet others by serving at UMCL. Let us know your interests .
UMCL Volunteer Coordinators
Darcy Young
Administrative Board Chair.
Melinda Sciera
Lay Leader