July 22 - 26 - 12:30 - 4 PM Lunch included at 12:30 PM
Location: 21 Summers St., Livonia, NY FREE to attend - Registration Required
Children, Age 4 - Grade 5, will explore the ways God's great light shines in the world, and shows them how they can reflect that light in their own lives.
Explorers (the children) will be guided by a Lighthouse Keeper and Beacon the Puffin on an exciting quest to find five mysterious Infinity Lanterns to help light their way.
Adventure and Science
The children will learn about God's creation and strive to care for it and be encouraged to trust God even when fearful.
Familiar Bible Characters
The children will discover clues to finding each Lantern while learning how God's light shines in the lives of familiar biblical characters in Old and New Testament stories.
Daily Activities
Bible Storyteller, Craft, Music, Science, Assembly, Recreation, snacks. Fun for everyone.