United Methodist Church of Livonia, NY

Not Us

Thoughts from our Genesee Valley District Associates


We will not save the church.

Whether it is the questions facing the local church or issues facing the general Church…our answers, our decisions, will not save the church.

Sometimes we think that if only we could do this or that…if only we made the right decision… people would flock to the church, and everything would be ok.
Sometimes we think that if only everyone agreed with us the church would be in proper order.
Sometimes we think that if we only got busier doing the work of the church, the church would be in great shape.

So… we need to remind ourselves again… we will not save the church.

God, in Jesus Christ, will save the church. God is still creating the church.
Are we paying attention?  What is God doing in the community beyond the walls of the church? Are we paying attention? Or are we busy “saving” the church?

When we figure out what God is doing inside and mostly outside the church…we might get on board with God in whatever is God’s endeavor. We might take on the ministries which God is about,…and not concern ourselves with “saving” the church.
There is work for us to do…but it is the ministry which God gives us… and not the ministries which we think will save the church.

God, in Jesus Christ, is not interested in saving the church. God is interested in saving people. That’s why Jesus came, lived, healed, served, taught and ministered to all people. God is interested in saving people. Are we?

We will not save the church…but God is still reaching out to save people.
So should we.

Ted Anderson
         District Associate