United Methodist Church of Livonia, NY



This is the week of Jesus’ Passion. The word ‘passion’ comes from a Latin word meaning suffering for some worthwhile thing. Perhaps we have lost the sense of this word because there seems to be so little of this kind of ‘passion’ in the western world. There seems to be so little that people care about to suffer for.

Jesus’ Passion was different. It was directed by his Father in heaven and willingly accepted by Jesus. In Jesus’ suffering we see not only the full depths of God’s love for us but also the obedience that led to Jesus’ death on the cross.

God calls us to follow him just as he called Jesus. To walk with Jesus who said, “take up your cross and follow me”, we must accept God’s direction and choose to follow the path laid out for us by our Creator. The path might lead to suffering, but also will lead to the certain hope for eternal life. Remember, Easter always follows Good Friday.

Our Father in heaven sent Jesus into the world, not to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved; that all who believed in him might be delivered from sin and death and become heirs with him of everlasting life.

Pray therefore:
-for people everywhere;
-for the Church of Christ in the world and for the United Methodist Church of Livonia;
-for all pastors and the people they serve;
-for those who minister to the needs of others;
-for the homeless, the sick, the lonely, and for those who doubt;
-for all our daughters and sons who are in mortal danger In foreign lands;
Teach us Lord to remember that the Cross was not the end it was the Beginning! Amen

Recommended scripture reading for Week 7: 
  • Psalm 130
  • Mark 14:32 – 15:37