United Methodist Church of Livonia, NY

Kenya Update January 14

Exhaustion, Good Day Teaching & "Face Time"

When I read my last post (January 13th) today I decided it would be best if I wore my glasses while I type.  

To put it simply, we are all exhausted.  Between the altitude, the heat and working very hard we are a bit worn out.  Two more people tested positive for a bacterial infection, but not Malaria.  The good news is tomorrow is a day off and we will be journeying to Mt. Elgion National Park for the day.  Part of the group, including two 8th grade boys, will spend the day climbing under the direction of a guide.  The other group will be hiking trails leading to some caves, a waterfall and birding.   It will be nice break.

Today was another good day.  We spent the day teaching classes on renewable energy, leading 3 hours of PE class, painting, making some minor repairs, and of course the dental clinic.  By the way, the dental clinic has also been serving the staff at In Step.  Word has gotten out about the clinic and we have received some requests from members of the surrounding community.  Another parent heard we have a dietician and came to ask questions about how to better provide for the nutritional needs of their child.

I spent a portion of the morning with the toddlers who were very generous sharing their much loved baby dolls and stuffed animals.  Leading football clinics and playing football with the children took up a portion of the day as well.  I also had a very enjoyable time this afternoon speaking with the deputy principle who had many questions about our public education system.  I learned a great deal about education in Kenya and the struggles they are facing.  We arranged for him to meet with Dave on Monday to continue the discussion.  Finally I spent an hour planning my message to the children on Sunday.  At one point today the children heard I had met Eliud Kepchogi and a group of boys were waiting for me to come out of our dorm and asked to see my pictures.  It is an understatement to say he is a national hero.
We are making a difference in people’s lives and we are being changed as a result of this trip.

Hoyt W. Brown, Pastor
United Methodist Church of Livonia

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