United Methodist Church of Livonia, NY

New Year\'s Church\'s Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions for the Church

This is the time of year many of us make resolutions for the coming year.  I would suggest the following resolutions for our church.  
  1.  Keep chasing after Jesus individually and corporately. Keep knowing the depth of God’s love for you and seek a deeper love for Jesus.
  2.  Be kind and compassionate to one another. Don’t make each other enemies. See the best in each other. “God’s call isn’t dependent on what the symbol on your shirt is; we’re all partners in ministry no matter what the future holds—we’re all going to be together in the place called Glory!”
  3.  Take time to care for each other, especially those not in your normal circle of friends..
  4.   Don’t allow anything to be a substitute for the Truth of the Word of God.
  5.   Stay focused on the reason we’re here. The purpose of the Church is to help one more person say “yes” to following Jesus.
  6.   Be a bold and courageous follower of Jesus Christ.

I pray these resolutions will guide our church in the year to come.

Pastor Hoyt         
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