United Methodist Church of Livonia, NY

Sermon Starter - The Lord's Prayer Series #3


Matthew 4:4
Matthew 6:9-11
John 6:30-31
John 6:35

Our series on the Lord’s Prayer  has been asking us to really think about what it is this prayer really has to offer us, what is it that Jesus is really asking us to pray.  So, we are taking each phrase one-by-one and really trying to understand what it says.

Two weeks ago we began with “Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.  We pointed out the OUR was important,  and the word Father was important, understanding what exactly heaven meant in the context of the prayer.  We learned that when we said hallowed be thy namet it is our task to lift up God in such a way he is glorified, hallowed..

Last week we examined the second phrase, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”  We recognized that every time we say the word “Thy” it is standing against ‘I”.  We are saying not my kingdom come but God your kingdom come.  As we say kingdom we are meant to recognize the way the world is, and seek to bridge the gap between how the world is supposed to be, which is heaven.   Jesus is really sneaky here, he asks us to pray these things, but really when we are praying them they are all things we are supposed to be doing.  Thy will not my will becomes the way we are supposed to live.

Sunday we  come to what on the surface is a much simpler line in the prayer.
              Give us this day, our daily bread.

I am thinking this is pretty straight forward.  But, what does it mean exactly?  So if we pray that really well and with a lot of faith will we go home and find a pot roast sitting on the table, along with potatoes, gravy and rolls?  All because we prayed, “Give us our daily bread.”  Ok, maybe not all of it, but at least the bread put there miraculously by the angels because we prayed, Give us this day.  I suspect none of us really expect that. So what then are we praying for?

Watch/listen to the message, July 25, 2021: "Our Daily Bread"

Pastor Hoyt