United Methodist Church of Livonia, NY

Kenya Update January 12

Water, Ministry - No One Turned Away

Did I mention that the water went out yesterday?  After 30 hours of equatorial temperatures a shower was a blessing.  And after teaching 3 hours of football (soccer) in PE it was more than needed.  It was so fun to play with the children.  They are why I came.

Today was a better day all around.  The dental ministry was able to work all day.  They are hobbled by the fact that some of the equipment they expected was not here.  But kids are being cared for.

Others of us helped to paint the new girls dorms.  Some helped fix the generator, and water pumps.  One of our people worked with the principal today creating a schedule for Arts and Crafts for the next week.   Another helped teach a class on how to use the new computers.  Still some rough edges on the computer front but definitely progress.  

I was asked to teach at 4 worship services on Sunday.  The unique challenge is each must be appropriate to age level and be simple enough to bridge the language gap.

Speaking of language, English is a major language and all the children are learning it.  Swahili is the other major language.  And each tribe, roughly 46 has their own language.

Today the story of Jesus scolding the disciples for turning away the children is on my mind.  In Step does not turn any child away.  There are some very mentally and physically compromised children.  One little girl is deaf and non vocal.  She spent the first part of her life in a detention center for boys because there was no place for her.  But she has found a home at In Step.  At one point Dave was visiting the Stepping Stone facility for children with special needs and a young girl had 3 seizures.  Currently there are 3 babies, one found in a field.  Even more important than the physical needs being met, it is clear their emotional needs are taken care of.  There is no question some of these children would be dead without In Step.  It takes a lot of love and a special kind of bravery to take some of these children. As I said no child is turned away.

It breaks your heart.
Hoyt W. Brown,, Pastor
United Methodist Church of Livonia Sent from Kenya

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