United Methodist Church of Livonia, NY

You matter to God
and you matter to us.

Join us Sunday at 9 AM

Worship and Praise

Fellowship and Grow

Opportunities to Serve

Message for the Heart

Our Next Live Broadcast

Let God's love grow in your heart.  Join us every Sunday
Church and Sunday School at 9 AM


As Christ Followers we seek to be a community where all people are prepared for, and sustained in service to the world.


As Christ Followers we believe children and youth are vital to the Kingdom of God and we seek to empower, equip, and encourage them in their relationships with God and others.


As Christ Followers we seek to be a community that does not live for itself but is deeply involved in the concerns of our community and world.

We believe if the world is to know of the saving grace of God, if real change in our communities is possible, it is only through the work of Christ on the cross made known through men and women who believe it and live it - the Church.

About UMCL

Get to know more about what makes us different.

  • Our Purpose is to build a Christian community where all people, regardless of where they are in their faith journey, are welcome and will grow in love of God and love of neighbor.
  • Our Vision is to be used by God to make disciples and change the world.
  • Our Journey is to know God,  grow in love of God and our neighbor, and serve as Christ's hands and feet in the community.

None of us have it all figured out, and each of us is at a different place in our walk with Christ.  

We look forward to walking with you as we learn to love God and love others.

We hope you'll take a minute to explore all of the ministries and opportunities we offer and plan to visit UMCL in the near future.  Join us in-person or online  for worship.

Connect with UMCL on your phone, tablet, TV and Apple TV

Find Us

Check the maps below if your are looking for the church or the Thrift Shoppe

United Methodist Church of Livonia

21 Summers St
Livonia, NY 14487
Office Hours:  Monday - Friday, 9AM - Noon
Church and Sunday School: Sunday at 9AM

Thrift Shoppe

6 Spring St.
Livonia, NY 14487
Hours: Thursday & Friday, 9AM - 3PM
Saturday, 9AM - 2PM