United Methodist Church of Livonia is a place where people can meet Jesus, engage in life-giving community, and everyone is welcome. We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ, discover their gifts and use them for God's glory. Join us for our Sunday service!
When we Meet
Sunday Morning
9:00 am in person or online
Who We Are
United Methodist Church of Livonia is a faith family, formed from diverse backgrounds, bound together with a common desire to follow Jesus Christ.
When you worship with us, you will experience lots of singing, unison prayers, reading the Word, and a message. We hope you come with your whole family and share in how God is moving in all of our lives.
Plan to hang around after the service for fellowship, refreshments, and meet new people.
When you worship with us, you will experience lots of singing, unison prayers, reading the Word, and a message. We hope you come with your whole family and share in how God is moving in all of our lives.
Plan to hang around after the service for fellowship, refreshments, and meet new people.

What To Expect
You should expect to be warmly greeted in a casual atmosphere and to feel right at home on your first visit. You’re certain to find friendly people who are ready to help you find your way. If this is your first visit, please let a greeter know because we have a gift for you.
Entering the sanctuary, an usher may direct you to seating, or you may find a seat where you feel most comfortable. If COVID restrictions apply they will be posted as you enter the building.
Entering the sanctuary, an usher may direct you to seating, or you may find a seat where you feel most comfortable. If COVID restrictions apply they will be posted as you enter the building.
Generally coffee is available.
What is the worship service like?
A typical service will last about 60 minutes. We sing a good mix of contemporary and traditional music that is led by our worship team. Scripture, corporate readings, and a message from Pastor Hoyt focus our attention on worshiping the Lord and preparing us for the week ahead. We gather to praise God. All are welcome and invited to join with us in worshiping God. Whether you’ve been to a church before or not, you’ll find the worship service is simple to follow, the teachings are meaningful, thoughtful and relevant to your life.
Communion is served on the first Sunday of each month and all are welcome to the (communion)Table.
Communion is served on the first Sunday of each month and all are welcome to the (communion)Table.

F. A. Q.
Frequently Asked Questions
Does someone greet visitors?
Yes. Greeters are at the door to welcome all who come to UMCL and give you a bulletin (service program). Please ask for assistance at any time, directions for the restrooms, children's program, or nursery, etc.
We are all here to welcome you to UMCL.
We are all here to welcome you to UMCL.
Is the church handicap accessible?
Yes. There are handicapped parking spots reserved in front of the church. A sidewalk ramp is at the front of the portico and all floors are the same level as the entry. Restrooms are handicapped accessible. Our sanctuary has wide aisles that can accommodate wheelchairs. Microphones are used and a loop is available for those who are hard of hearing and have a t-switch on their hearing aids. There is a large screen for announcements, service slides, praise and hymn music.
There is plenty of parking at UMCL with two parking lots. The parking lot in front of the church has spaces reserved for handicap. The other parking lot is on the right when driving in.
What is available for children during church?
- Babies and pre school: Nursery is available.
- Pre-K through Grade 3, Pray Ground is open during church year round. It is the table on the left front of the sanctuary where children can enjoy hands-on activities until Sunday School begins (about 9:15).
- Children's Moment - children pre-K - Grade 5, come to the front of the sanctuary for a short time of teaching / story and prayer. Children are dismissed to Sunday School (September - May) or back to their parents in the summer months.
- Sunday School (September - May) for children pre-K through Grade 5.
Can non-members attend UMCL?
Yes. All are welcome in the United Methodist Church. During our worship service we hope you have experienced God’s loving presence, forgiveness, encouragement, and hope. If you would like to devote your life and become a Christ follower, please see the Pastor after the service or contact him using the Contact Us form below.
What if church is cancelled?
If church is cancelled due to inclement weather, the decision to cancel will be made as soon as possible. The cancellation notice will be sent through a push notification to those with the UMCL App, and placed on both the website and Facebook page.
More About Our Services

Communion is offered on the first Sunday of each month. UMCL practices an “open table,” meaning that all are welcome to come to Christ’s table and share in communion. You do not need to be a member of our church, or any church to take communion. All that is required is that you wish to grow in your love and knowledge of Christ. It is the risen and present Christ that calls you to the table, not a church or a pastor.
The Bible says that all professing Christians should be baptized (Matthew 28:18-20). In Baptism we are welcomed and incorporated into the community of faith, and receive the promise of the Spirit that re-creates and transforms us. We baptize persons of all ages, including infants. We baptize either by sprinkling (most common), pouring, or immersion.
Baptism services are scheduled ahead of time as requested.
Baptism services are scheduled ahead of time as requested.