United Methodist Church of Livonia, NY

Vacation Bible School

One Day Fun Day VBS

United Methodist Church of Livonia
21 Summers St., Livonia, NY


  • Date: February 19,  2025
  • Time: 10AM - 3 PM  - Lunch and snacks provided
  • Pre K - Grade 5 
  • Join us for one day for a Bible story, activities, crafts, and snacks
  • FREE - open to all area children


Hear a tale of a cowboy, enjoy a chuck wagon lunch, hear a Bible story, make a craft and  enjoy a virtual cowboy experience along the trail.
Step back in time to a day when the cowboy was king.  See humble cowpokes draw near The King of Kings.  Saddle up to travel . . . .    A one-day, fun day in the life of a cowboy while learning how Bible people traveled 'The West of the Way' with Jesus!
Y'all come, now!!

Round up your posse and git 'em here for the fun!!

United Methodist Church of Livonia invites your child to participate in our winter one-day Vacation Bible School for children Age 4 - Grade 5.  
February 19, 2025
Time: 10 AM - 3:00 PM.  Lunch and snacks included

Register your child below to participate.   If registering more than one child, complete a separate registration for each child.

  • I agree to allow my child to participate in the activities of Vacation Bible School at United Methodist Church of Livonia.
  • I agree to bring my child by 10:00 AM and to pick up my child at 3:00 PM.
  • I agree that my child will follow any guidelines/rules that have been set to maintain a sense of order and provide a good experience for all of the children.
  • I agree to receive communications about VBS at UMCL by email, phone, and/or text.