Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
As Christ Followers we seek to be a community that does not live for itself, but is deeply involved in the concerns of our community and world.
The folks at UMCL have a big heart and love reaching out in many ways locally into the community, and globally into the world. There are many opportunities to get involved at UMCL, meet people, and serve others.
The folks at UMCL have a big heart and love reaching out in many ways locally into the community, and globally into the world. There are many opportunities to get involved at UMCL, meet people, and serve others.

Thrift Shoppe

Operation Christmas Child

Service Locally and Globally
UMCL Thrift Shoppe - Local Ministry
Located in the old church building on Spring Street, the Thrift Shoppe fills both floors with used clothing, household items, furniture, and much more. Donated items are sorted, organized, and very reasonably priced. Serving the community as a place that accepts usable items, the Thrift Shoppe contributes much more by helping families in need and donating a portion of their proceeds to worthy community agencies.
Donations are accepted any time the Thrift Shoppe is open. No books or electronics, however most other items are accepted.
The Thrift Shoppe is a great place to volunteer, meet people and help our community. Volunteers are needed in every capacity.
Donations are accepted any time the Thrift Shoppe is open. No books or electronics, however most other items are accepted.
The Thrift Shoppe is a great place to volunteer, meet people and help our community. Volunteers are needed in every capacity.
Dress A Girl - Global Ministry
“Dress a Girl Around the World is a Campaign under Hope 4 Women International (a 501 (c) 3 organization) bringing dignity to women around the world since 2006. Hope 4 Women International is a nondenominational independent Christian organization. We dream of a world in which every girl has at least one new dress. We want girls to know that they are worthy of respect, and that they are loved by God.”
Each spring the women at UMCL gather to cut and assemble hundreds of dress kits, while others who enjoy sewing sign out kits and sew the dresses together. The cutting "party" is a great opportunity to meet women from UMCL and our community. To date nearly 1900 dresses have been made and donated to bring dignity to women and girls around the world.
If you enjoy sewing, Dress A Girl can use your help.
See more on Dress A Girl at UMCL
Each spring the women at UMCL gather to cut and assemble hundreds of dress kits, while others who enjoy sewing sign out kits and sew the dresses together. The cutting "party" is a great opportunity to meet women from UMCL and our community. To date nearly 1900 dresses have been made and donated to bring dignity to women and girls around the world.
If you enjoy sewing, Dress A Girl can use your help.
See more on Dress A Girl at UMCL
Wheel Chair Ramps - Local Ministry
Emergency Repairs - Local ministry
When community members become wheel chair bound, or simply need the assist of a ramp, men from UMCL are willing and prepared to build a wheel chair ramp.
If you are handy with tools, enjoy building things, and enjoy working with a group on a task, contact us and let us know you would like to help build wheel chair ramps.
If you are handy with tools, enjoy building things, and enjoy working with a group on a task, contact us and let us know you would like to help build wheel chair ramps.
We often don't know when something will fail, and sometimes there aren't any contractors available at that moment to take care of the problem. Men from UMCL with a heart for our community and a desire to help come together to help those in need.
If you are handy with tools, familiar with common repairs, and enjoy working with a group on a task, contact us and let us know you would like to help build with emergency repairs.
If you are handy with tools, familiar with common repairs, and enjoy working with a group on a task, contact us and let us know you would like to help build with emergency repairs.
Food Pantry - Local Ministry
Operation Christmas Child - Global Ministry
Besides donating non-perishable items, the food pantry can always use help in stocking the shelves and on distribution days. If you enjoy helping those in need, especially in your community, consider helping with the food pantry.
Non-perishable food for the Livonia food pantry can be left in the church gathering area or brought to church on the first Sunday of the month.
Non-perishable food for the Livonia food pantry can be left in the church gathering area or brought to church on the first Sunday of the month.
Operation Christmas Child is an outreach ministry of Samaritan’s Purse. During the fall each year UMCL collects and packs Christmas wrapped shoe boxes with gender and age specific items, such as fun toys and stuffed animals, hygiene items and school supplies. Shoe boxes are for children ages 2 through 14, sent all over the world, and often are the only gift a child will ever receive. Over the years our church members, study groups, children, and youth groups have collected, packed, and donated hundreds of shoe boxes to Operation Christmas Child.

United Methodist Women's Circle - Local and Global Ministry
Mothers of Preschoolers - MOPS - Local Ministry
All women at UMCL automatically are a member of UMW Circle. This long-standing fellowship of women has been blessing our church, community and world for over a century. To bless others, the women at UMCL have prepared and served a delicious dinner weekly to the Livonia Rotary for over 70 years . From the Rotary dinner fund raiser the women continue to faithfully give to help support ministries within UMCL as well as reaching out into the community and globally by supporting a child through World Vision, and donating to UMCOR, PRC of the Valleys, Inc., and various charities in Livingston County. Volunteers are always needed to help with the Rotary dinners.
Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) began in 1973 when a group of moms with young children banded together to share their lives and parenting journeys. MOPS believes in the simple but revolutionary idea that remarkable things happen when moms come together. Over the past 45 years, MOPS has expanded our reach to include ALL moms. MOPS partners with churches and organizations worldwide to equip and encourage moms in more than 68 countries. UMCL coordinates and opens its doors for MOPS to meet. Volunteers are needed to watch the preschool children while the moms meet and fellowship.
Join the mission
Short and Long-term Missions through United Methodist Church
Church members have participated in short term missions to needy areas overseas, in Central America, Puerto Rico, and Kenya. January 2019, thirteen from UMCL along with eleven others (Rush UMC, Homer UMC) traveled to Puerto Rico to help rebuild homes in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, September 2017. January 2022 several from UMCL along with others from the greater Rochester area traveled to Kenya to minister in an orphanage, In Step Children's Home.
In addition to long and short-term mission experiences, each of our small groups has a particular mission project. Some of these projects benefit our local area, others reach beyond our community into remote areas overseas, and may even include sponsoring a child overseas. The projects are as varied as these groups.
In addition to long and short-term mission experiences, each of our small groups has a particular mission project. Some of these projects benefit our local area, others reach beyond our community into remote areas overseas, and may even include sponsoring a child overseas. The projects are as varied as these groups.