United Methodist Church of Livonia, NY

Next Livestream Service

Tap on graphic above to view Sunday's bulletin.
Sunday's Scripture Reading:
Luke 22:24-30

Most Recent Service

Church of Our Vision
 Sermon Series


Pastor Sung Ho's email has been hacked! Some church members have received a scam email that asks for gift cards. Please do not open or respond to emails from rev.sungholee001@gmail.com.


Promote UMCL at church and community events by wearing  a UMCL logo t-shirt.
T-shirts available before/after church for a suggested donation of  $12.
Most sizes are available.

After Church Fellowship

Please join us for after church fellowship and light refreshments in the Gathering Area.
Thank you to the small groups and individuals for helping.  Additional volunteers are always welcome to help out!!



Join an Early Response Team (ERT) Basic Training at Rush United Methodist Church on March 29 from 9-5 p.m. to gain essential skills like roof taping, debris removal, and survivor care in times of disaster. The $35 cost includes materials, lunch, a background check, and an ID badge. Registration ends Thursday, March 27. For questions, contact kristinaclark@unyumc.org  .


Need Help Dealing with Grief?

Grief Share sessions beginning March 10 at 6 PM at UMCL.
Register:  https://www.griefshare.org/findagroup
  (select Livonia, NY)
Or email:  supermimiD@yahoo.com


Children & Youth

Sunday - Nursery care for infants and preschool age children is available during church.

Kids Pre-K - Grade 5

During Church September - May
Every Sunday  9 - 10AM (during church)

UMCL News & Updates

Click the button below for information from the Ad Board meeting that was held  2/5/2025
Choir Practice -  Thursday at 7:00 PM.  If you enjoy singing, please join us.
Praise Band is looking for additional musicians.  Contact the church office, ask  to contact Dan Nichols.
Hymn Singers Group meets every Friday at 1:00 pm.

Calendar of Services & Events


Bring Food Donations
Sunday, March 2nd

The Community Food Pantry in Lakeville is in need of food and/or monetary donations.
Thank you for helping this vital community program.

Easy Way to Support UMCL Ministries

Giving to UMCL

God is generous and so he calls us to be as well.  What we do with what God has given us shows the world where our hearts are and helps proclaim the gospel. We want to glorify God with every area of our lives, and that includes what we do with our finances.
UMCL collects annual giving pledges in November to best prepare the annual spending plan.  Pledges, however, can be submitted any time of the year.  Use button link below.
There are several ways to give:
  •  Online - Set up recurring giving through the UMCL app or online at www.umcl.us
  • Online UMCL app or www.umcl.us using credit/debit card, Apple Pay or Google Pay
  • Giving Envelopes 
  • Check or cash in the weekly offering
  • Mail a check to UMCL, 21 Summers St., Livonia, NY 14487
electronic giving information

Update or Edit Online Giving

It is easy to manage your online giving in the UMCL App.  
Besides making a gift, scheduling recurring gifts and editing payment methods, you can even view your gift history.  Click the button below for information on how to update your recurring online giving.
Online Giving to UMCL